After reading the poem and the discussion I realized that people often believe that women are weak, in other words, that what they are looking for is someone who can look after them, in this case, a man. If you ask me I believe that the ones who believe this are completely wrong.
I think that what the woman in the poem was looking for was to have men under her control. She has her own life as an example, she married five times, and I believe that with this she wanted to have power over them. In the class discussion I realized that my classmates think that we are looking for someone who will treat us as a princess, but I think they are completely lost.
Even if men like it or not they depend on us, they are worried about us, and they need us. I am sure that we are not naïve, on the contrary, we are really intelligent and at the end we know what to say or what to do in order to have what we want.