domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2009

September 1 1939

I have to admit that I don’t like poetry at all. Every time we read a poem I felt discourage because I knew I would like it. When I starting reading “September 1 1939” the feeling was the same, but while I was reading my feelings started to change. I actually understood the poem and I have an opinion about it. “A psychopathic god” is one of the stanzas that called my attention. We were discussing the poem in groups, and that sentence called the attention of the whole groups, but not mine. They told me that was because I did not believe in god, but they were wrong. I told them that for me religion was a personal issue. If god was psychopathic according to Auden, who am I to judge him? It was incredible the discussion we had. The poem made us talk about feelings in relation to a lot of things. I am kind of understanding poetry, finally.

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